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Jason is pro-choice.

Jason is pro-environment.

The incumbent voted with Robin Vos in favor of 7 bills that would restrict options for those seeking an abortion.

Summerfield has authored no bills addressing wells whose water contains PFAs. 

The Republican legislature has ignored all environemental issues.

The Wisconsin GOP pushed the 2006 amendment that made marriage equality a circuit court issue in 2014.

Summerfield has also stated that he would deny his voters’ wishes and vote as dictated by his faith.

Jason is pro-equality.

Jason is pro-worker
and a Union supporter.

Labor groups report that Rob Summerfield does not represent them.

Jason is an educator who is pro-education.

Jason is pro-democracy and supports Fair Maps.

The incumbent voted for the new maps that dilute democratic votes.

Rob Summerfield also joined in dishonest calls from Republican leaders about “election concerns” in 2021.

Rob Summerfield supports taking authority from teachers and school boards (WI AB995)

Jason supports the public interest.

Summerfield voted for a bill that would allow private interests to delay broadband expansion (WI SB 365).

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